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Competitive Intelligence Podcast

Welcome to the Competitive Intelligence podcast archive! Here you will find classic episodes of the CI Podcast.

Jan 16, 2006

In this episode we discuss an article from the 30 November of the Christian Science Monitor regarding intelligence methods employed by the People's Republic of China. This article is the basis to consider differences in perceptions and practices of intelligence and espionage around the world, and considerations of the role of counterintelligence. This episode considers the technical topic of which search engines (yes, plural) to include in a quality Internet search strategy.

August Jackson
eighteen and a half years ago

Hi, Isabel. Thank you for your comment, and I\'m glad you\'ve found the podcast and are getting use from what\'s being covered.

I can see the audience for the podcast growing in the hosting statistics, but perhaps the concept hasn\'t reached critical mass yet. I do believe on-line communities require some sort of critical mass to become interactive. Some listeners may be reluctant to share what they and their employer doing in the world of CI in an open forum. I can respect that, and I welcome questions via e-mail in which I will keep names and companies confidential if such is desired.

All that said, I welcome feedback on the blog, via e-mail or via the listener line. I would readily incorporate any good content into the podcast. If you\'ve got something you would like to share on the podcast or like to hear me talk about just send it along.

Good luck with your CI efforts! Your English is fine, and definitely much better than my Portuguese (all of which is trying to sing along with Joao Gilberto).

Isabel Santos
eighteen and a half years ago

Hello August,

My name is Isabel and i\'m writting you from Lisbon, Portugal.
I\'ve discovered your website a couple weeks ago. I think it\'s a very interesting idea, especially the purpose wich is behind it and that you have mentioned in your first cipodcast episode wich is: create a CI web community based on a simple but operational (in my view) podcast web site.
Let me tell you, that I\'m a bit surprised to be the first one to send a comment to your web site, because as I said before I think this a very interesting idea, and in my perspective the web site name is fine. Actually you have created a new product in the Competitive Intelligence arena that didn\'t existe so far.
I\'ve been working in the last 15 years in the Information/Communication field, but I have discovered the Competitive Intelligence àrea just a few years ago and I am now determined to follow this path in terms of profession and perharps academic research.
So,these are my comments for now. I hope I will give you more feedback as I become engaged in your podcast sessions (I Have just listened the first episode).
So, congratulations for your work and forgive my still primitive english performance in writting
Isabel Santos