Nov 10, 2007
Belated greetings! Any rumors of the demise of the CI podcast
are over-stated. The MBA and the day job are keeping me very
busy, and I'm looking forward to a day when I am able to get back
to interviewing CI experts. In the interim I wanted to say
hello and bring to your attention a few interviews I have given
recently-- it's something to be on the other side of the microphone
or paper.
First, let me bring to your attention the Jenerous podcast.
Producer Eric Mattson has put together a great podcast to help
innovative marketers share their expertise with other marketing
professionals. The podcast is specifically geared towards
technology entrepeneurs. You can hear the interview
CI Podcast friend Alessandro Comai (interviewee for episode 19)
co-edits a Spanish-language magazine for CI professionals called
Puzzle. In
the latest edition they published a translation of my interview
about the relevance of podcasting for CI as a tool for training and
sharing CI products. I've included
the interview as published (as well as the text of my original
interview in English) here.
I am very eager to hear your suggestions for future episodes of the
CI Podcast. Please send me an e-mail if you have thoughts,
suggestions or contributions about the following:
No, not abandoned. On \"hiatus\" while I finish my MBA. Thanks for the note.
abandoned podcast? :(