Oct 10, 2008
This episode is an interview with Karthik Vijayakumar on conducting Competitive Intelligence in India. Karthik is the President of Excedos, a CI research and consulting firm based in Chennai, India.
Sep 3, 2008
Interview with Suki Fuller, CI and Social Media Evangelist.
Suki can be reached on Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/SukiFuller)
or e-mail (shfuller@gmail.com).
Social Media Tools discussed in this podcast
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com
Brightkite: http://www.brightkite.com
Evernote: http://www.evernote.com
Aug 3, 2008
The return of the CI Podcast! An opportunity to catch up on
what's been going on and look forward.